
Manage Technology to Manage Time

Manage Technology to Manage Time

Worlds paper Technology entertains us and enables us to do things we could not do before or could not do as easily. But there is a price. Each new gadget and each new program takes time to acquire, learn to use, and manage.

Technology is one of the greatest distractions and time consumers today. We are confronted by so many different kinds of technology: television, radio, the internet, smartphones, computers, video games, etc. Each of these takes time to acquire, learn to use, and maintain.

Consider just this one factor: how much time do you spend each day, week, or month managing your technology? This includes shopping for and buying new technology and software, configuring software, learning how to use new technology, downloading upgrades, fixing malfunctions, maintaining, and exploring the many options and capacities of the gadgets and software you have. If you kept track of that for just one month you may be shocked.

Follow these three practices to manage your technology and prevent it from taking too much of your time:

1. Weigh the Benefits vs. the Cost of Technology:

Next time you are tempted to buy that new gadget or download that new program considers this time expense. Often you can get by just fine with older technology and software. As long as it works well and newer versions do not contain something that will really benefit you be cautious about updating to the newest versions. It costs you time as well as money.

2. Use the 24-Hour Rule:

The next time you are tempted to download a new app or another piece of software or acquire a new device stop. Take at least 24 hours to mull over this decision. Give serious thought to the time cost of acquiring, learning to use, and maintaining this new technology before buying it. This will reduce the tendency to impulse buy and help you effectively manage your technology-related use of time.

3. Weed Out What is Not Time Justified: 

Technology becomes obsolete or at least less useful over time. It is easy to accumulate technologies that are redundant. Be ruthless in your management of devices and software. Eliminate old technology that is redundant or ineffective.

Technology can make our lives easier and more productive. It can entertain us. It can also consume precious time to acquire, master, and maintain. We must be intentional and prudent about what technology we acquire and keep in light of the time it will consume.

Spend just 30 minutes carefully evaluating your current technology to determine if it is worth the time and costs discussed here. If it is not get rid of it. You can save hours of time over a year by being more careful about what technology you acquire and keep.

Daniel R. Murphy writes on personal development, leadership skills, time management, and how you can build wealth and financial independence.

Is Technology Killing Creativity?

It is impossible for technology to kill creativity. Creativity always precedes technology. The notion that technology can kill creativity is like worrying that a tree can kill the sun. Creativity is the force that drives technology.

What is creativity?

Common definition: the ability to produce something new through imaginative skill, whether a new solution to a problem, a new method or device, or a new artistic object or form. The term generally refers to a richness of ideas and originality of thinking. If you can’t digest all that easily, don’t worry. I couldn’t either. There are many definitions of creativity and they are all complex and wordy but I think Einstein said it best. “Creativity is seeing what everyone else has seen, and thinking what no one else has thought.” That’s creativity in a nutshell. (Einstein, quoted in Creativity, Design and Business Performance.)

Perceptions of the creative type

The term creative, when applied to a human usually provokes the image of the artistic type: the writer, the musician, and the painter among others. And conversely, it is often assumed that the engineer, businessman, or scientist is not creative, but it can be quite the opposite. In my observation, it is more often than not the successful person who is creative, not a particular type of person. When looking at the definition of creativity you can see that creativity is not the ability to draw well or have long hair, but the ability to produce something new whether it be a song or a better business model, or a safer car. All of these advances come from creative minds.

Creativity is the ability to solve problems in a unique way and is not limited to the arts. The fine arts are more about self-expression and not necessarily problem-solving. In any case, creativity in expression and problem-solving has been greatly enhanced and unleashed by technology.

Author Bio

I am a professional writer at  freelance web developer dubai. I’m researching and writing about innovation, Entertainment, technology, business, and the latest digital marketing trends click here to go website.

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